Property Clearings

An energetic Property Clearing can be done in person or remotely. During a remote clearing, Dina is able to energetically go to the property and perform the same techniques as she would in person.

Note: In severe cases in person may be required.

Before a property clearing we discuss what issues you are experiencing and your personal intentions for the property.

  • Dina is then able to energetically go through the property and see what negative energies are affecting the property and clear them. She has experience with all types of issues.

  • Depending on the situation, she assists any Earthbound souls that need healings and helps them transition.

  • Dina removes any unwanted entities or poltergeists and closes any portals that may be open.

  • Then she creates a protection around the property and aligns the energy with your intentions.

  • In certain situations, Dina may need to also clear the residents and animals before they go back into or on the property.