The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit, meaning “wheel” or “disk.”

The human chakras are subtle energy points, wheels or vortices of energy within the body. They are constantly
spinning vortices of energy which radiate through the center of the body.

The physical body depends upon this vital energy flow to maintain optimum wellbeing. Chakras can become
blocked by long held negative states, rigid thought patterns, negative emotions, or toxins.

We have several hundred of these energy exchange points within our energetic systems but the most well known ones are the seven which are connected to the spinal column and head at specific points.

7th Chakra: Crown
6th Chakra: 3rd Eye or Ajna
5th Chakra: Throat
4th Chakra: Heart
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus
2nd Chakra: Sacral
1st Chakra: Base or Root